Friday, July 1, 2016

Strength and Conditioning During Injury

Being a competitive gymnast means a lot of training. Even though I have been injured, I still have to maintain my strength and flexibility. Some of the ways I have been able to do that are:

  1. Doing a lot of upper body conditioning and work on my abs. My mom and I made a video showing my top 5 favorite arm workouts to do while injured. Over 100 people have watched our video!

  1. I spend a lot of time on the trampoline training my skills still so that I can keep practicing without having so much pressure on my injured knee.
  2. During some of the time I have been injured I have still been allowed to train on beam and bars. Making sure I keep up these skills is important to coming back. They have less impact on my knee, and bars is mostly arms and stomach, so I am able to do most of my skills on those events.
Screen Shot 2016-07-11 at 3.40.43 PM.png Screen Shot 2016-07-11 at 3.42.32 PM.png

  1. Screen Shot 2016-07-11 at 3.52.29 PM.pngSwimming has been good for strengthening my bad knee, but it is also good for all of my muscles. Swimming is a great, low impact way to work out if you are injured.

  1. All of our injured gymnasts spend a lot of time on the bike and elliptical in order to get in our cardio without having the impact of working on all the regular events.