There is a buzzer that has two cords again and you have to plug the red in with the red and the black in with the black. Then it makes a buzzing noise. Same for the siren, only it makes a high pitched screaming sound. Kaia didn't like it. Kaia is my grandma's dog. The motor had to be plugged in the same, only it had different ends than the buzzer and the siren. We put some dough on the end to show that it was spinning. Next time we could put more dough on it, but I tried that and it didn't really work.
I'm not sure why my bridge didn't work. We thought the green was touching, but that wasn't it. I couldn't figure that one out. I have a guess, but it's hard to explain. It could be that I had too much orange and then there was maybe green in the right place. We should have taken a picture.